True Love

A few days ago, my sister Hannah had an interesting thought that kept tickling me the more I dwelt upon it. I just wanted to expound on it here for a moment, while remembering that it was her thought to begin with 🙂

Let’s depict a scene of a young lady who is in love. You may have noticed, that when she has found this love, he is simply all she can think of. You walk into the room to find her in deep phone-conversation, and with simply one glance at that grin on her face and the slight giggle-tone in her voice, you know exactly who she is talking to at that very instant. If the silly girl’s gonna say something to you, it is most definitely going to pertain to her “wonderful” David… what he said to her today… what wonderful things he’s been doing… how swell he looked in that new tie. She’s just crazy about him, and there’s nothing you can do to break the focus of this thought pattern. If you do accomplish this, you are probably a cruel person, and perhaps jealous of her rapturous ecstasy.

She wants him to herself, but she loves to talk about him in adoration. His affections and sweet words of poetry are for her alone, and she thinks they are so perfectly romantic, and sometimes acts like she would never show them to you, but you know eventually that you are going to hear about them because “David” wrote it, and the whole world revolves around him anyway.

If you are spiritually minded, you probably know where I’m going with this. There is an obsession happening here in a way, but a good obsession. Perhaps not so good for the passersby that do not wish to hear about her infatuation, but in her heart, this means not a thing. She loves him, and she knows that he loves her… and that makes everything else okay.

This types our own, personal relationship with Christ perfectly, except for one major difference. Yes, your relationship with Him is completely one-on-one/personal, typing that of a man and woman, but when you’re in love with Him, you want everyone to be! You want to share Him. You want that one-on-one intimacy with Jesus where you know it is just you and Him walking side by side, but at the same time, because you’re a part of the Body of Christ, His precious Bride, you feel for others and wish for them to have all the joys and blessings that you partake of. Your desire should be that all may have the same relationship and intimacy with your Jesus as you do! You’re going to take that Book of poetry that He wrote to YOU, and everywhere you go, He is on your mind, and you are ready to invite more members to this Body that together make up that Bride.

As the Bride of Christ, we need each other and love each other… we are His Bride, together as One, and should always be willing and ready to help or encourage the other member. And like the girl that is in love, so are you… so much in love with Him that every new day is just as exciting and, yes, romantic, as the first day you met Him. You wake up… who’s ready to talk with you: Jesus. He wants to be a part of your every minute; He wants to share your emotions and thoughts. Imagine being in a relationship with someone, going throughout your day simply passing one another, hardly nodding in acknowledgment to even pronounce their existence. Sounds like some old, stale couples that get tired of one another’s company. Does this sound like they are truly in love? How would you feel if your true love walked passed and hardly noticed you… ever. Would that make you feel very loved?

Jesus longs for your fellowship; He longs to spend the day with you, helping you along in your hard times and troubled thoughts. He begs for it, but most of all… He wants you to love Him. Love Him with all your heart… give Him everything that you have and are. Even if it isn’t much you have to give, He wants it all. It is up to you to decide what this means in your own life, but if you truly knew what it is like to just give in to His calling upon your heart, cast all your burdens to Him, fully trusting upon His protection and provision in every aspect of your life, there is NOTHING in this world that could hold you back from desiring only to be with Him. If you only knew the peace that comes with such Love… you’d never be the same. What a wonderfully magnificent thing to have; this is true Love.

~ by Sarah on August 25, 2010.

2 Responses to “True Love”

  1. thr truth… Amen

  2. I couldn’t agree more. The difference between the natural and the spiritual Bride is the same really – in that, The Natural Bride wants her Groom for herself, for every inch of her being; well, so does the Spiritual Bride – if I am the Toe, I want the Finger to feel the same way as I do about this Prince Charming of Mine. 🙂

    I love this! Thanks for sharing.

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